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How To Water Grass

By Ed Ball | Published on April 19, 2023 | 2 min read

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With the summer heat on its way, we have to be confident in how we care for our lawns.Watering lawns is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of the grass. Grass requires a sufficient amount of water to grow, photosynthesize, and maintain its structural integrity.

Signs that your lawn is under watered:
Dry Soil
Shallow roots
Grass doesn’t Spring back
Yellowing color

How to save your under watered lawn:
Consistent irrigation that reaches the roots
Regular fertilization
Good mowing schedule

Signs that your lawn is under watered:
Dry Soil
Shallow roots
Grass doesn’t Spring back
Yellowing color

The frequency of watering a lawn depends on several factors such as the type of grass, soil type, climate, and the amount of rainfall. In general, most lawns require about 1-2 inches of water per week. However, it is better to water the lawn deeply and infrequently rather than frequent shallow watering. Deep watering encourages the roots to grow deeper into the soil, making them more drought-tolerant. To determine how often to water your lawn, you can perform the screwdriver test. Insert a screwdriver or a similar tool into the soil. If it goes easily into the ground, then the soil is moist and does not require watering. If it is difficult to penetrate, then it is time to water.

During hot and dry weather, you may need to water more frequently, whereas during cooler and wetter weather, you may need to water less often. It is also recommended to water lawns early in the morning to reduce evaporation and to allow the grass blades to dry before nighttime, which can help to prevent fungal growth. If you are unsure about how often to water your lawn, consult with a lawn care professional or your local extension office for specific recommendations based on your region and lawn type.

It’s important to note that watering at night doesn’t help to evaporate the water and it can create fugal problems if the grass is sitting in more moist conditions. Also, avoid watering your grass after it rains – too much water is not good. When we take the time to water our lawns regularly and appropriately, we are not only nourishing the grass but also creating a peaceful and inviting space for ourselves, our families, and our communities to enjoy. So, let us cherish this precious resource and use it wisely to create and maintain the stunning lawns that inspire and uplift us every day.