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Designing a Beautiful Winter Wonderland With Landscape Lighting

By Ed Ball | Published on December 14, 2023 | 3 min read

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The winter season brings about a desire from most to cozy up with loved ones and make the most of the holidays. The short days of winter also call for people to put up an array of dazzling lights to look at. With some effort, it is possible to design a winter wonderland of light. We will show you how it can be done. Take the following steps under consideration to help design the perfect-looking outdoor lighting in winter.

Put Lights in a Place Where They Will Illuminate the Path

The first rule of outdoor lighting in winter ought to be placed where it can illuminate a path that is meant to be taken. This helps keep things safer for visitors. It helps them find the path where they need to go. For example, hang the lights from the back door of your house to a patio or fire pit area in your backyard. This will make it obvious where one needs to go. It will also help keep things safer for everyone.

Work Around Trees and Structures

The trees and structures that exist on your property might cause the lights that you put up to be inadvertently hidden or obscured. You need to get creative about working around trees and other structures on your property. Think about wrapping lights around the limbs and branches of your tree to create a spectacle of light throughout your yard. You might want to consider pruning your trees ahead of time so that the leaves don’t get in the way of what you are attempting to do with your lighting designs.

Review the Heights and Levels of Your Lights

Consistently adjust the heights and levels of the lighting levels that you have established for your property. You might start with some lights placed higher up on trees and structures at the beginning of the season and slowly lower them as the season progresses. If you do this, then you can enjoy the way that your yard looks throughout the entire winter season.

Opt for LED Lights

Certain types of lights are better than others. Many have discovered that LED lights are the way to go when setting up outdoor lighting in winter. Illuminations Canada explains:

Opt for energy-efficient LED lights, available in a plethora of colors and programmable for various effects. Beyond conserving energy, they unlock a world of creative opportunities.

You must consider the amount of energy consumption that your outdoor lighting in winter will contribute to your overall level of consumption. Anything that you can do to shave down the amount of energy consumption will help you save a little money and add more to your outdoor light show.

Don’t Forget About Special Effects

There are light products that have special effects. Typically this involves the sequencing of how the lights shine. It can be a lot of fun to play around with special effects. They will add even more wonder and excitement to your light show. Think about which special effects you might want to add to your light displays. Additionally, always double-check that none of the effects that you program into your light show cause any stimulus problems for yourself or your neighbors. Generally, this is not a problem, but you should always double-check before including this in your show.

Go for Twinkling Lights

One of the best types of lights to put up in the winter months is twinkling lights. These lights are associated with the winter holiday season in the minds of most people. Therefore, you should include at least a few twinkling lights throughout your property. You can choose to either sprinkle a few of these types of lights in among your standard lights. You can also make the entire display a twinkling light display.

Select a Multitude of Colors

Blending in a variety of different colored lights is a great way to make your light show stand out. Traditional colors for the winter season include red, green, blue, and white. You may choose other colors if you wish. However, they may stand out in a way that you did not intend. Keep things simple by using lights in the traditional winter colors. Your entire property can look beautiful using just these traditional colors.

Consider Using Professional Installation Services

Putting up your lights can be a lot of fun, but it is often most effective to get professionals to put up those lights. Professional installation services can guarantee that your lights are put up in a safe manner that you can enjoy all year long. If you are interested in creating a winter wonderland of light on your property please contact us and let us show you how we can assist.